Say we are one of them: Solidarity with wrongfully convicted victims

  The LawHum project, in collaboration with Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta (LBH Jakarta – Jakarta Legal Aid Organization), proudly announces the successful completion of the Offline Capacity Building on December 7, 2023. This training aimed to empower communities and the public on the updated policies and regulations regarding the Indonesian Penal Code…

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Why should we cover religious minorities in the news?

Media plays a constructive role in developing democracy and nourishing a democratic environment as it is 4th pillar of democracy. It is a tool for nurturing individuals to develop healthy relationships and to foster a solidaristic environment in society. It bears a significant responsibility when it comes to accurately and fairly representing…

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Am I too young to change the world?

“We want young people to be engaged in the civic and public participation process. Let’s make voice, not the noise, and be the change!” said John Samuel (Regional Director of Oxfam in Asia)This quote encapsulates the entire five-day experience of Oxfam Fellows during the Induction Meeting for the Oxfam Young Leaders Fellowship…

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COVID-19 and the erosion of civic space in Asia: An urgent call for democratic vigilance

Civic space, the arena where citizens gather to express their concerns and shape their political futures, has been a battleground. Asia has witnessed a clash between growing authoritarianism and pockets of democratic resistance. In the context of COVID-19, governments have been determined to enact vaguely worded laws that could potentially lead to…

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Five ethical human rights reporting principles 

This article will go through the main five Human Rights Principles, which are very essential to know for those who rely on user-generated content on digital platforms. It is also essential to know these principles for the coverage of religious minorities.  Accuracy  Journalists should always strive to get the facts right. This…

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Stuck in a box: A life with Premenstrual Exacerbation (PME) 

I spent 23 years of my life growing up in Chennai, India, living in the same house since I was born. My family was rife with sexist ideas and menstrual taboos. But being the eldest child, and a rebellious, feminist one at that, earned me a few accommodations. I could sleep on…

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From hate to hope: Shhorai’s intersectional tech solution for combating online bullying and harassment

Back in middle school, I began my coding journey with a C program, but the catch was, I coded on paper. I started coding in notebooks even before I owned a computer. I completed my first notable project—an IoT device to make life easier for my farmer parents, automating water taps based…

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Same history, different narratives: How nation-building and social cohesion are understood in national curriculum frameworks in India and Pakistan post independence and partition.

The concept of nationalism has seen rising significance since the second world war with its evolving understanding in postcolonial countries and modern forms of conflict. In the South Asian context particularly the concepts of nation and nationalism have been frequently analysed as underlying the political and everyday discourses. Through this article, I…

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